TNGOs MAC Housing Society society- Full story

The Print and Electronic media is well aware that the Government have allotted an extent of 169 acres to the TNGOs MAC Housing Society, Gachibowli at Gopannapalli and acres 50 to the TNGOs working in Ranga Reddy and Hyderabad districts.  The then TNGOs Central Union President Sri K.Swamy Goud become the President of the said Society and turned the Government land allotted to TNGOs into his own real estate business involving in illegal and corrupt practices and amassed crores of rupees.  In pursuance of the directors of the Hon’ble High Court in CC No.919/2011 in WP No.14702/2010 the Government have conducted detailed and statutory enquiry through the Joint Registrar/District Cooperative Officer, Hyderabad Urban.  The enquiry revealed and confirmed illegalities, irregularities and corrupt practices.  The plots were sold to the ineligible persons, benami persons etc. In terms of the enquiry report the Government have filed FIR before the PS Begum Bazar in FIR No.169/2012 on 18-10-2010.  The P.S, Begum Bazar requested the Commissioner of Police, Hyderabad to transfer the case to Central Crime Station, Detective Department in view of the magnitude of the case.  Accordingly the case has been transferred to CCS DD and numbered as FIR No.67/2013. 

During the investigation Sri K. Swamy Goud approached the Hon’ble High Court in CRLP No.2879/2013 and obtained stay.  Finally the Hon’ble High Court dismissed the CRLP on 28-8-2014 directing the CCS to take up investigation into the affairs of the Society and allegations against its President Sri K. Swamy Goud and Managing Committee members since there is a prima facie case on perusal of the material papers.  In case of arrest of the accused, the Hon’ble High Court directed the Police to follow the provisions of section 41 of CRPC at the time of arrest.

This scam is involving 169 + 50 acres of Government land worth to Rs.500 crores.  In spite of lapse of              3 months and clear directions of Hon’ble High Court the Police is stepping back to take up the investigation.  Today the issue was raised in the Hon’ble Telangana State Legislative Assembly and the leaders of various parties demanded to disband the Society and appoint Special Officer and appointment of House Committee for thorough probe.  It appears the Government trying to dilute the case by bringing the TNGOs Housing Societies in 10 districts which have no relevance to this case.

Apart from this Sri K. Swamy Goud, president of the Housing Society and Managing Committee members facing the following cases. 1) Criminal Case in CC No.121/2012 before XVII th Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate.  Police filed charge sheet and the case is under Trial. 2) O.P.No.38/2012 before A.,P. Cooperative Tribunal for recovery of 7.19 crores fraudulently misused.

In view of magnitude of the case we demand that Sri K. Swamy Goud who is still continuing  as President of the Housing Society should immediately resign on moral grounds and to pave way for smooth conduct of the investigation by the Central Crime Station, Detective Department in FIR No.67/2013.  We also demand the Government immediately disband the Society and appoint a Special Officer to take over the affairs of the Society and stop the illegal registrations which are still going on in spite of Court directions.



Telangana State Public Service Commission Chairman: Prof. Ganta Chakrapani